Summer 2019 Reading list


I hope everyone is still having a great summer. Princess stories are fun to read. They have happy endings! Read some fairy tales today. Sometimes you may meet a wicked witch or a mean step mother! Watch out.

One example of a princess story that will make for great summer reading is “The Princess Frog” by Disney Book Group, Disney Storybook Art Team

When Tiana kisses Prince Naveen, who has been enchanted into a frog, she turns into a frog too! As they explore the bayou, they find good friends and maybe even love. But will they find a way to become human again, so Tiana can open the restaurant she’s always dreamed of? This collectible storybook includes beautiful, full color art in the style of the beloved film, The Princess and the Frog.

If you haven’t yet added any Sarah V Lewis books to your bookshelf, here are some links to help you find Sarah V Lewis books on Amazon.

Molly Rabbit Goes To School

Mollie Rabbit Goes to school

Molly Rabbit Goes To School is Book 2 of Sarah V. Lewis’ series about three Rabbit Siblings. In book one, ‘The Rabbits’, she introduced readers to Molly Rabbit and her brothers Lester and Webster. In book two, summer has come to an end and Molly is starting fifth grade. She‘s excited to return to school, but her excitement turns to sadness when she discovers that her best friend Emily has traded her in for a new best friend. Molly tries to keep her head up. However, Emily isn’t making that very easy.

One rainy day in the fall, just when the weather was getting frosty, while hurrying for the school bus and wearing her brand new boots, Molly falls in the mud. Emily walks right by her with her new best friend Cressida. Molly can’t believe that her friendship with Emily is really over and that Emily would now be so mean to her. Then just when Molly thinks the rest of the school year is going to be miserable, and with Halloween and Christmas in the air, she meets a boy on the school bus. His name is Willden Smith. His family is from England and they’ve just moved to town. Molly and Willden become friends, but she still misses her BFF Emily. Will Molly and Emily become friends again?

Read this second book in “The Rabbits” book series by Sarah V. Lewis to find out what happens with Molly and Emily, Emily’s new best friend Cressida, and Willden Smith. Buy on Amazon

The Rabbits

The Rabbits cover

Webster Lester and their tween sister Molly Rabbit – who is really a kind girl, likes painting her nails, and babysitting – get into mischief when they decide to go into the Allisons’ yard to play in the grass and snack on the flowers. They get doused with water, chased by dogs and almost snatched up by a group of little league boys. For
the three rabbits, there are new dangers to face every day in the woods.

Aside from trying to avoid getting caught by Mrs. Allison when they go into her garden to play, and trying to avoid getting run over by Mr. Allison’s old lawn mower, the rabbits must look out for Mr. Red Fox!

Life for the rabbits is full of adventure and surprises!” Buy on Amazon

Mom Where’s My Doll

picture of Freda and Sassafras in bed

This book, “Mom where’s my doll?” is a Realistic Fiction Christmas story about a child, Freda, not understanding why from ever since she could remember, she never got a doll from her mother at Christmas or for any other occasion. Her sisters got their Barbie and American girl dolls every Christmas, but no dolls for poor Freda!

Being the child who resembles her mom the most, Freda thought she would be the pampered one, though she never wanted to be – her siblings mattered to her more than anything and she would not want them to be treated as second best. But why do her mother’s expectations of her seem to be so demanding by comparison to her siblings’? Why does she expect Freda to solve her own problems no matter how difficult they may be? There seem to be so many unanswered questions about Freda’s mother’s treatment of her. Will there be answers to Freda’s questions and if those answers are revealed will they ease her confusion and her feelings of not being loved? Will she come to understand her mother’s outlook on life? Will she start to see her mother in a new light and be able to forgive her? Buy on Amazon

Animal Stowaway

Harriet falling down stairs

The Smiths and the Logans are neighbors who enjoy doing things together. One day they go on a trip to the beach, and Sam and Lucy Smith, along with Sara, Walt and Larry Logan find a strange animal that can turn itself into a ball. They take the animal home and hide it under Sam’s bed. As the days pass the animal becomes harder and harder to hide.

sam and lucy looking under sam's bed copy
sam and lucy looking under sam’s bed copy

It squeaks when it gets hungry so the children have to keep it fed with hamburger meat. Then just when they least need more problems, Sam and Lucy learn that their cousin Harriet is going to be spending a few weeks with them. It’s hard enough to keep their parents from finding out about the animal. Cousin Harriet has a big mouth and likes to get them into trouble. How are they going to prevent her from finding out about the animal and telling on them? Buy on Amazon


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